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{"sku":"Global_Mapper","price":1249.16,"name":"Global Mapper","brand":"Global Mapper","category":"Software"}

Global Mapper

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£1,249.16 Excl. VAT
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Global Mapper by Blue Marble Geographics is an all-encompassing yet affordable GIS software, offering a vast array of spatial data processing tools and support for over 300 data formats. It's designed for both novice and experienced geospatial professionals, featuring an intuitive interface and a logical layout for quick learning and efficient operation. The software is continually updated, reflecting direct user interaction and feedback, ensuring it meets the evolving needs of today's GIS professionals. Global Mapper is ideal for a wide range of industries, providing accurate map creation, efficient data processing, and optimised spatial data management.



Global Mapper

£1,249.16 Excl. VAT

Developed for both GIS professionals and map enthusiasts​

Developed for Both GIS Professionals and Map Enthusiasts

Global Mapper effortlessly supports over 300 file formats, including vector, raster, elevation, and point cloud data types, without requiring any additional add-ons or licenses. It excels in handling almost all kinds of geospatial data, allowing users to import a wide range of formats and export nearly as many. Users can easily manage various data types by loading, combining, cropping, and tiling. The software is continuously updated with new and modified formats, ensuring it stays current with your data needs.

Global Mapper not only allows data loading from local files or connected specialized databases but also offers access to streamed online data. It comes equipped with numerous direct links to various data services, including aerial imagery, global elevation data, topographic maps, Landsat satellite imagery, land cover data, aviation charts, and more. Additionally, users can integrate custom links to Web Mapping Services from local agencies or organizations into Global Mapper’s online data sources.

Once data is loaded into Global Mapper, whether from local, database, or online sources, the software provides the flexibility to alter the map view projection. This feature enables the reprojecting of data layers, irrespective of their original projection. Global Mapper includes a variety of projections, simplifying the process of reprojecting entire datasets and ensuring that exported files match the current display projection. For more sophisticated projection and transformation management, Geographic Calculator is compatible with Global Mapper. This integration offers access to the industry-leading geodetic database developed and maintained by Blue Marble’s Geographic Calculator software.

Global Mapper not only excels in importing existing datasets but also offers a broad array of digitising tools for creating vector data. Users have access to a comprehensive suite of digitiser tools, including standard options for crafting point, line, and polygon features, as well as specialised tools for generating geometric shapes like range rings, grids, buffer areas, and more. Additionally, an advanced coordinate geometry tool allows for the creation of map objects by simply entering the geometric dimensions of each segment.

The software provides various options for editing features, including precise adjustments to line or area segments and vertex locations. Users can also perform whole feature modifications, such as moving, scaling, or rotating features on the map. The Spatial Operations tool facilitates complex vector layer comparisons and feature creation, offering operations like Intersection, Union, Difference, and Symmetrical Difference, along with a range of spatial predicates and transformations. With full attribute and geometry editing capabilities, Global Mapper stands on par with other leading GIS software. Its scripting and batching tools further enhance its ability to automate numerous GIS processing tasks.

Manipulating vector feature attributes in Global Mapper is flexible and user-friendly. Users can edit attributes manually through a table view for a set of vector features or on an individual feature basis. The software allows for the enrichment of vector features with attribute information from nearby or overlapping features, as well as the integration of terrain and image data, providing additional value points for lines and polygons.

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Global Mapper features dockable windows that support various data views, including top-down 2D, oblique 3D, and cross-sectional perspectives. These windows can be opened, resized, and arranged for the best possible display of different data types. In 3D data analysis, users can apply configurable color-ramp shaders to represent elevation or slope values in both 2D and dynamic 3D views. The 3D viewer also enables the creation of high-definition fly-through videos, allowing for an immersive visual presentation of point cloud, elevation, draped raster, and vector data in a format that’s easy to share.

Sharing data is versatile in Global Mapper, with support for various geospatial formats, screenshots, 3D data videos, and static map layouts optimized for PDF export or printing. The software’s layout tools facilitate the addition of cartographic elements like scale bars, compass roses, and legends, as well as supplementary text and branding graphics. These elements can be precisely positioned within the layout, and the entire design can be saved as a template for future projects. For atlas or map book projects, the map layout tool enables the creation of a tiled array of maps with a consistent layout across all pages.

Global Mapper also excels in exporting to web tile formats, generating web-ready raster tiles from current map data. These exports are compatible with popular online map formats like Google and Bing Maps and include an HTML file for displaying the tiles in the web interface of these formats, complete with standard map navigation and layout tools. Additionally, through a partnership with MangoMap, Global Mapper users can directly upload map data to a Mango-hosted online map site, facilitating easy sharing with clients, colleagues, or the public.

Global Mapper offers versatile support for displaying geospatial raster data, including layers that users have manually rectified within the software. It provides a range of tools for enhancing visual aspects of the data, such as creating multi-band data layers, pan sharpening, image tiling, and mosaicking. In addition to standard methods for adjusting image contrast, Global Mapper features histogram matching. This technique allows the colour channel histograms of one layer to influence the histogram adjustments of others, facilitating the seamless blending of data layers that may have been collected at different times or with varying equipment, thanks to additional tools for image feathering and contrast adjustments.

The software also enables the execution of mathematical operations on multi-band imagery or multiple data layers through raster calculation. It supports a variety of pre-built formulas for calculating indices like NDVI and NDWI, and allows users to create custom formulas using standard mathematical operations and more complex functions. For manual editing of raster layers, Global Mapper includes the Raster Reclassify tool. This tool enables users to transform pixel values within a layer based on specific rules they define, which are determined by designated input and output values.

Global Mapper’s dynamic terrain visualization is enhanced by tools that apply colorful shaders to both 2D and 3D data. This feature supports not only imported elevation data but also TIN layers created from 3D vector data. Users can generate cross-sectional profile views of terrain data from any linear feature on the map, whether existing or newly drawn. These profiles are useful for calculating elevation statistics and slopes along a path, and for conducting line-of-sight analyses to identify potential view obstructions. An innovative visualization option in Global Mapper merges these data views, allowing the Path Profile display to be shown as a terrain cutaway in the 3D View.

The software’s terrain data capabilities extend to various analysis tools that generate new vector feature layers, highlighting patterns or specific values within the terrain data. Users can create 3D contour lines in vector format from any imported or processed elevation layer. Contour analysis features include customizable interval spacing, polygon feature generation, and the identification of peaks and depressions in the terrain. Watershed delineation is another key feature, predicting the path of streams and their drainage areas. Building on the line-of-sight analysis from the profile view, viewshed calculations determine visible and hidden terrain areas from a specified point, considering factors like Fresnel Zone, signal strength loss over distance, and potential obstructions from 3D vector features.

Integrating vector features with terrain data in Global Mapper unlocks further analytical capabilities and data creation options. These include cut-and-fill volume calculations for both polygon and linear features, creating flattened site plans, and generating Relative Elevation Models (REMs). Cut and fill calculations can be applied to 2D or 3D vector polygons or along lines, simulating trench digging or creating flat terrain areas that blend seamlessly with the surroundings, ideal for simulating building sites. The REM feature is particularly useful for highlighting subtle terrain variations in a specific area, aiding in the visualization of minor terrain changes that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Global Mapper enhances its functionality with the capability to execute various tasks through scripting. Scripts, formatted as simple ASCII text files, are particularly useful for automating repetitive or routine tasks, thereby bypassing the need for manual data processing. The scripting language in Global Mapper is versatile, supporting a wide range of operations including importing, converting, reprojecting, analyzing, attribute calculation, layer splitting, interactive prompts for file and folder selection, and exporting in all supported data formats.

To further optimise data processing workflows, Global Mapper features a batch processing tool. This tool enables users to process multiple selected files or all compatible files within a given folder simultaneously. Operations such as conversion, re-projection, gridding, and renaming can be performed efficiently without the need to display the data in the software’s various viewers. This functionality significantly streamlines the handling of large datasets or complex processing tasks.

The software’s terrain data capabilities extend to various analysis tools that generate new vector feature layers, highlighting patterns or specific values within the terrain data. Users can create 3D contour lines in vector format from any imported or processed elevation layer. Contour analysis features include customisable interval spacing, polygon feature generation, and the identification of peaks and depressions in the terrain. Watershed delineation is another key feature, predicting the path of streams and their drainage areas. Building on the line-of-sight analysis from the profile view, view-shed calculations determine visible and hidden terrain areas from a specified point, considering factors like Fresnel Zone, signal strength loss over distance, and potential obstructions from 3D vector features.

Integrating vector features with terrain data in Global Mapper unlocks further analytical capabilities and data creation options. These include cut-and-fill volume calculations for both polygon and linear features, creating flattened site plans, and generating Relative Elevation Models (REMs). Cut and fill calculations can be applied to 2D or 3D vector polygons or along lines, simulating trench digging or creating flat terrain areas that blend seamlessly with the surroundings, ideal for simulating building sites. The REM feature is particularly useful for highlighting subtle terrain variations in a specific area, aiding in the visualisation of minor terrain changes that might otherwise go unnoticed.

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