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How Drones Are Used in Education

Last updated on

15th September


    Drones In Education: How does it work?

    From interactive whiteboards to the laptops and Chromebooks children use for schoolwork, technology is always present in the classroom. However, it’s used as a tool rather than a learning opportunity. Children may be digital natives, but that’s only in terms of using technology, not creating it or working with it. They aren’t born with an innate knowledge of coding, programming, or building tech. These skills need to be taught, which is where the use of drones in education comes in.

    The education sector has been quick to realise that drones are changing the face of a number of industries and that their students need to understand and familiarise themselves with the future if they’re to be successful upon graduation.

    Any school, college, or university offering practical training of drones, integrating UAVs into their courses and lessons, will have a clear competitive edge in securing top-grade students. Specifically, drones are making leaps and bounds in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) departments. There are few better modern tools to use in the classroom than drones.

    You can find out more about drones for education here.

    How are drones being used in education?

    COPTRZ have worked with a number of college and universities to enable their students to harness the power of drones in the following subjects:

    Geography – Using multispectral mapping cameras to undertake riverbed analysis

    Geology – Using HD cameras to observe rock formations in hard to reach places, recording coastal erosion and even using LIDAR

    Agricultural Studies – Precision farming techniques, crop spraying techniques, herd management and observation

    Surveying / Mapping – Teaching new mapping and surveying techniques. Using Pix4D, students can learn to build extensive and highly detailed 3D models and maps from data collected during a drone flight

    Environmental Research – Utilising air emissions sensors to analyse pollution levels and photographic / video evidence of land/water pollution

    Wildlife Research – The ability to monitor wildlife from a distance without direct human intervention

    Oceanography – Marine mammal monitoring, recovery of samples from the ocean or flora/fauna, recording of ambient oceanic data

    Hydrography – Ranges from coastline surveys to bathymetry utilising LIDAR

    Engineering – Provides a unique aspect of heavy engineering projects, production lines as well as the actual design and build of drones

    Media – This is a bit obvious but we’ll stick it here anyway: media studies students can easily make amazing films with cameras fitted to drones

    Higher Education And Drones: A Match Made In Heaven

    Higher education courses using drones also offer another clear and immediate advantage for students: the massive booming industry for UAVs is only going to grow exponentially in the next few years. Any educational institute offering drone flying as part of their curriculum is immediately giving their students a strong advantage for their upcoming graduation and new careers. A business already using drones is going to want new graduates who are already familiar with the technology.

    Drones are not only providing learning tools for students and teachers alike, but they help to break up the monotonous grind of the school day. By allowing students and faculty members a reprieve from the arduous task of intensely focusing on the same topics over and over again, drones help to bring a sense of fun back into the learning environment.

    From coding and electronics, that teach children how to write code and program, as well as becoming familiar with the mechanical innards of electronics, to critical thinking and cognitive development in general, drones are perhaps the best option schools have at their disposal for break-through STEM learning.

    What kind of training do I need to fly a drone?

    With the fast speed at which drone technology is progressing and gaining attention in the UK, there comes a stream of questions from users who do not have a large amount of drone experience. One of those ‘FAQs’ is: “What is a drone licence, and do I need one?” we have answered that question over on our blog which you can check out here.

    We’ve also compiled everything you need to know about the UK drone regulations into this free eBook. Get your copy below.


    Getting Started with Drones

    It’s easier than you think to get started using drones, and the COPTRZ team of UAV experts can help guide you through the process. COPTRZ can supply a complete drone strategy, including the latest UAV products, software and NQE accredited CAA PfCO training to set you on your way to using drones as a teaching tool. Below are just a number of education facilities that we have helped harness the power of drones:

    Speak to the commercial experts

    If you have any queries or want to find out more about how you can harness the power of drones, or even have a drone trial at your school, college, or university – get in touch! Email or call 0330 111 7177.

    Download our FREE GVC Training Guide

    Learn everything you need to know about becoming a drone pilot with our GVC training guide.

    • Get a full course roadmap to understand every step of the journey
    • Contains clear answers to all of the frequently asked questions
    • Get a transparent and comprehensive breakdown of course costs

    Written by:
    Beth Jackson

    Unlock your business potential with drone technology