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5 Reasons to Join the Pix4D Workshop

Last updated on

15th August


    Pix4D is the leading UAV photogrammetry software. It has been specifically designed for users who want to make 3D maps and point clouds from data captured from their drone. It’s one of the most popular software packages on the market, however, making full use of the platform is hard without a helping hand.

    That’s why COPTRZ have developed the new 1-day Pix4D workshop, designed to teach you the complete Pix4D process from initial flight planning to GCP usage and best-practise data processing. Following on from the success of previous Pix4D courses, we’ve compiled the top 5 reasons why you should consider joining our next workshop on the 13th October in Milton Keynes.

    1. Increase your service offering with additional training

    Investing in your own personal training could be one of the most profitable decisions you make. Getting training in specialist areas can set you aside from the rest and positions you as an expert in the industry. Positioning yourself as an expert in the market can also help you to become recognised as the ‘go to guy’.

    Pix4D is one of the leading and latest technologies to hit the drone market. The latest technology and training puts you one step ahead of your competition. It makes you more likely to get the job and shows that you are a committed professional.

    2. 1-to-1 advice 

    Have you got a project that you need advice on? Your COPTRZ trainer would be more than happy to give you some guidance whilst on the course.

    Many students have made use of having an expert on hand to help to solve any problems they were having with their project and provide a potential solution to ensure that their client’s needs are met.

    3. Networking & Joint Ventures

    Networking and creating partnerships is a great way of putting yourself ahead of the crowd, and Pix4D training is a great way to begin networking and creating partnerships with fellow commercial drone pilots. Joint ventures are one of the best ways of positioning yourself at the top of the ladder. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people is only going to benefit you in the long run.

    With Pix4D being such a niche platform, having more than one person capable of accessing it is going to appeal to the client. Not all drone operators will be your direct competition and you can use this to your advantage.

    4. Hands-on learning experience

    The Pix4D training course features a wide range of hands-on learning and practical exercises. Your trainer will run through example workflows that you, as the student, can relate to.

    They will take you through example scenarios such as construction projects that will give you a solid base to replicate once you have completed the course. This course is tailored to suit students from a number of different working backgrounds.

    Pix4D 3D Mapping

    5. Learning new skills

    Your trainer will teach you a number of new tips and tricks to ensure you get the most out of your software. This will help to increase your efficiency when using the software, and thus, improve the data output from Pix4D.

    Our trainers are vastly experienced in Pix4D and have a wealth of knowledge that will further develop your expertise in the software.

    Join the next Pix4D Workshop

    You can book online or speak to one of the COPTRZ team on 0330 111 7177 or email There are a number of payment methods available including credit/debit card, PayPal or monthly 0% financing.

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    • Get a full course roadmap to understand every step of the journey
    • Contains clear answers to all of the frequently asked questions
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    Written by:
    Rachel Shardlow

    Unlock your business potential with drone technology